Monday, February 26, 2007

YFC Banquet

URGENT! The annual Saskatoon Youth For Christ Banquet is next Monday 5th March. If any of you reading this are in the area, PLEASE consider coming to this event. We really could do with as many people coming out as possible. If you are interested then please contact me at the YFC office or leave me a comment and I'll get back to you.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

New due date

So, the baby is now due on the 14th July. My mum is gonna have to do some fast talking to see if she can change her flights, cos if I'm over due she'll barely see the baby.

Oh well.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Here's our baby

So, just in case it's not obvious, cos sometimes it's not, the baby is facing down, and you can see it's spine, and it has it's legs bent under it, and the slight shadow between the knee and the chin is it's hand. It was moving around A LOT during the whole ultrasound.

I love my baby!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Not my favourite way to spend the evening

The long running saga of my sinus'.

What can I say?

You've heard me moan about this enough already.

But this time, I'm pregnant, so no sinus medicine.

And before I go crawling to the Dr for antibiotics, I am trying out a whole load of things that my Dr recommended should this issue arise... like the sinus rinse.

Sounds simple enough hey? And it is, it's just GROSS! I basically squirt a lot of water up one nostril and it comes either out of the other nostril or my mouth. I am glad to say, but also grossed out to say, that it does bring with it a lot of the nasty stuff from up there, but I'm glad that L didn't watch me as I was doing this. And this is something I can do daily to improve my situation... yay???

It does help, I have to admit that, but when my gag reflex is still sensitive it's something I have to tread carefully with.

Friday, February 02, 2007

I smell like chlorine again

Aquacise was really good last night, I got a good workout, and it's really fun. I usually know 4 or 5 other ladies, and I have to admit that we chat a lot... before, during and after. But that's all part of it. And our instructer really is good, and FUNNY! One MAJOR bonus is that I get to hang out with Allison more, and she's one of my favourite people, I love her, I love that we're cousins.

This morning felt SO cold, it's -22, which isn't too bad, but it just FELT bad today. I wonder how much baby feels this stuff?

And Tanya brightened my day already with an e-mail, I get to see her tomorrow, she's another of my favourite people;-)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Read this

OK people, Allison has posted the funniest story on her blog. Just click on Allison L in my Links on the right hand side. She posted it yesterday. It's very funny!