Tuesday, October 05, 2004

A lesson finally learnt

My family are all musical, all of us. We all can sing, but everyone else seems to have found the instrument for them. Dad can play the organ, Mum the piano and a little violin, Sue is great at both piano and violin, my bro his tuba. Me, I could never find my niche, I tried recorder, piano, violin and percussion, nothing really stuck.

I remember the percussion lesson that was the last straw for that passion. The teacher was trying to get me to 'ad lib' after only having had lessons for a couple of monthes...I just couldn't do it, I didn't have that kind of imagination, but he made me feel like I just wasn't trying. Now I'm not just trying to excuse the fact I quit, I was lazy when it came to practise, but I really don't have that kind of imagination to just ad lib on the drums.

I was thinking about it this evening, and whenever I think about it I always feel guilty and worthless...I'm so stupid, lazy yada yada yada how come my siblings are so good at what they do, it's not fair, I want to be outstanding in something Lord grouch grouch grouch. But something from last weekend came in to my head, He didn't give me those gifts, He gave them to my siblings and it's NONE OF MY BUSINESS. He gives us what we need for our purpose, we shouldn't be envious of what He gives to others, we should just be grateful for what He has given us. I'm left wondering why it seems to take me so long to get this stuff, I'm just very grateful that He is patient!

1 comment:

Allison said...

Thanks, Chris, for that wonderful reminder. You are exactly right: it is none of our business what God grants to others. If we spent half the time praying for God to show us where He wants US to be, that we spend comparing ourselves to others, we just might make a bigger difference in this world than we currently are! Just know that you aren't the only one that struggles with this whole concept!