Friday, April 08, 2005


As in I feel like I'm in one. This week has been CRAZY! The staff that were on Calbreak are all back now, and making the office alive again, and we're all running around like headless chickens trying to get stuff ready for the banquet (which is going to bo SO GOOD, by the way).
Plus me and Lindsay have been making a big decision this week, which has been a tad stressful, but watch this space for further up dates on that one.

Can someone please tell me what the deal is with repeats over here??? In the UK, you usually know when a show is being repeated, you know the whole series is being repeated, whereas over here you switch the TV on expecting the next episode of the new show and can be greeted with something you only watched in the last 3 monthes....this happened to me TWICE last's disgraceful! So I ended up going to bed early last night, just after 9, which may not have been a bad thing as I was out like a light fairly quickly, and felt pretty refreshed this morning.

1 comment:

Helsalata said...

Hey there Chris!

Just managed to track you down! Yay! How are you? You may or may not remember me as the crazy Helen during your time in Norwich! I hope you are well and I'm looking forward to catching up with you at some point. God bless...
