Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Brrr it's chilly!

We are still renovating our new office building, and we don't have a furnace yet, so I'm a bit chilly working here right now. I'm sat with my flannel long sleeved shirt, wooly jumper and scarf on, with a small heater at my feet and my thermos mug full of herbal tea.

I need to get back in to my routine. Gym 3 times a week, and stick to my healthy eating plan. Please ask me how it's going, I need support and encouragement. I have my gym bag with me, so I need to remember to get changed before I leave work today so I can go straight after I've picked up L.

I'm feeling kinda sad right now, cos my buddy Tanya is moving to Regina in 10 days. I know that we'll still see each other, but I have to admit to feeling lost at the thought of her not being just up the hill from me, right now all I have to do is walk 5 minutes up the hill to her flat (which doesn't happen often right now but it's comforting knowing she's there). BUT, this is a good change for her, and it means that we'll be having more weekends away when we go visit her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Chris, please come visit! The pull-out will be ready & willing, as will I! :)