Wednesday, October 12, 2005


OK, so if you were tagged you need to quote the 5th line from your 25th blog, then you tag someone else. Sounds easy huh?

Monday, October 10, 2005


So Allison 'tagged' me. Here's the 5th line from my 25th blog (I think):

'I love how God leads us to people , and how that meeting can be such a blessing in so many ways.'

I'm saying 'I think' because do they count photo's, and what if you blogged twice in a day? And what if you only blogged 2 lines in what you think is the 25th blog?

Well, now I tag Helen Varley, Tanya Lemke, Mark Tuma, Dan King & John Benton. Enjoy the confusion my friends!

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Where I left off....

Kadesh was so good. The whole weekend was about where we are at with God, and what are the things that get in the way. It highlighted that things that get in the way (idols) can even be good things that we just get too attached to: security, ministry fruit (where were are looking to much in that direction instead of being focused on God), approval. I know that I seek approval too much, I want everyone to like me, but am a jealous friend. I also know that I can lean too much on security here on earth instead of the real security in Jesus. I love my husband dearly, but sometimes I cling on to him too much, and make him everything, which is unfair to him and wrong of me. Don't get me wrong, we need to work together as a unit, be as one in our relationship, but in that oneness, togetherness, God & Jesus should bind us together and be the core of the relationship.

This last week has definately been draining, emotionally & physically. God has definately been trying to get my attention. And I have to admit that I have been trying to ignore His hints. I love God, and in following Jesus that means I have to trust Him. That hasn't been easy this week. He is asking me to delve in to an area full of pain, hurt and anger. Sometimes I am too good at putting things in boxes. But I know that if I don't deal with it, it'll fester and get worse. Please could you pray for me. I really need patience, forgiveness and a real whole bucket load of love, that I just don't have, I am thankful that God does though, please pray that He provides all this and more during this process.

On a lighter note, WE'RE GOING HOME TO VISIT IN MAY! Scrimping and saving can be hard, but it will be SO worth it! Can't express how excited I am. Highlights will be spending time with my family (especially Ben), and getting to hang out with my best friend Hannah - cos I miss her.
I am already praying for good weather;-)

This weekend is Thanksgiving, so Monday is a Bank Holiday (YAY). So far it has been fairly easy going. I spent 1hr 15mins (I think) on the phone to my bro, I am so glad we have cheap rates. I think that we are gonna watch a movie once the Rider game is done, I am guessing it is going well as I have heard positive noise rising from downstairs.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

This picture was taken on Christmas Day at my Dad's house. From left, Step-Mum Liz, Marie-Ann, Bob, Ben, Lindsay, CHris, Carl, Sue, Dad  Posted by Picasa