Thursday, December 22, 2005


SO EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS!!! God has been really talking with me about His miracles, and Christmas is a HUGE one. He was a BABY, I know I've said this a lot to some people recently, but have we really grasped this. God was a BABY, God the almighty, powerful, majestic, was a BABY. He reduced Himself to this defenceless child, all because He LOVES us. I am SO unworthy, and even though I am VERY grateful, I know I can never be grateful enough, can never do enough, which makes His love so much more.... so big, so huge, so unexplainable. How I love Him.

On to the trivial...

Can you over sleep. Really... can you sleep too much? I love it, sleep is so good, I really do love my nice warm, comfy bed! Last night was great, I stumbled up to my bed just before 8.45pm, and was asleep AT 8.45pm. I'm such an old granny.

So me & Tanya exchanged gifts last night ... she got me a YOGA MAT. I was so excited, no more doing yoga with my bare feet on the freezing cold gym floor! No more downward dog with my hands going numb! So now I just need to buy one of those gym exercise balls (it's a big ball that you do exercises with, and you can sit on and get good posture) to take to my Saturday class.

Back to the not so trivial:
I have just been talking with one of my colleagues, and I really feel the need for prayer. We have a young man, who has been blessed since September by being able to attend a christian boarding school. Now before this school, he really struggled with attendance (skipped school a LOT) and passing his classes. Since he has been there he has been flourishing, he has passed his classes, and it has made a huge difference to him and his relationship with God. Unfortunately his mum has been made redundant, and now if he wants to continue his schooling at this school, he needs to fundraise $3500. Please could you pray for this situation, and if you can help, please contact me.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Dan the man, spinning his discs (he's actually really good!) Posted by Picasa

Daniel (don't we have the cutest nephews??) Posted by Picasa

Me & Steven Posted by Picasa

Ryan bashing pumpkins @ Pumpkin Smash Posted by Picasa

Daryl being a goof again Posted by Picasa

My Bro and Ben Posted by Picasa

Sad times

My Grandma died on the 3rd of December so I flew home on the 4th. Last week was a busy week, I didn't really have time to notice jet lag, we had too much to sort out. The Funeral went as well as it could, with lots of good memories being shared, and I heard things that I never knew about my Grandparents, which was great. Grandma was 88, and had lived a good long life. She will be remembered for her wonderful cooking, her letter writing, her knitting, her clothes making and the very funny cute little gesture she did where she would breathe 'Oh' and put her finger just in front of her mouth, I doubt she even realised she was doing it half the time, she did it when we told her we were getting married, and when Bob & Marie-Ann told her they were going to have a baby, they were the major times I remember her doing it.
During that week I did get the opportunity to see/contact some friends, not as many as I would have liked, but then things were manic. So I was blessed with a good long chat with my best friend Hannah who I miss so much, and went for drinks with some of the lads from church (which only really happened because Lee was on MSN one night and he rounded the others up for me). And I got to spend some time with my Dad.
Understandabley I was very excited to spend some time with my nephew Ben, in his 23months alive, this was the second time that I saw him. He is SO MUCH FUN! And he has a very cute irish accent. So I stocked up on cuddles and giggles, enough to see me thru to May.
Please remember my family in your prayers this Christmas as we miss the presence of loved ones.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Winter is definately not my favourite time of year, infact it really is my LEAST favourite. I DO NOT LIKE the slippy icy roads, how cold it gets, or the possibility of frozen fingers/toes/noses etc.... BUT I do snowflakes, not piled high at the side of the road, but when it drifts down and lands on the windscreen, where you can actually see the beautiful pattern on it, Gods own personal lace. I love how He does that, makes something that will melt eventually, in a second or in a month, but works on it to give it the exquisite detail it has. SO BEAUTIFUL! How can we doubt Him, His heart, His very existence when there is so much beauty, so much detail, the fact our very planet is in harmony the way it is. How seeds become trees, how there is night and day. how our bodies even know how to work. The miracle of a baby! I can NOT doubt when I really think of all the wonders there are in every day life, and to think He LOVES ME!!! WOW! I can't wait for Christmas, to celebrate how He sent His Son, who would give His all for us.

All praise to Jesus, our Redeemer. All Honour, power and glory to His Father who is the Mighty Judge. My Father I love you.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

It's my day off

I love when you get to take a day off. And it's OK to not do much. Today I have lots to do, but all fun stuff so that's OK. I'm meeting Melissa for lunch at Ding Dongs....YAY, the food is SO GOOD there. Then we are going shopping for christmas pressies. Tonight I have the gym, then a PartyLite party at Allisons. All FUN.
Monday Gil, James, Daryl, Tim & I travelled down to Regina to help with the Regina YFC banquet. Boy was that a long day, but it was really good. Tyson, Gil & James really shared their passion and vision for YFC and what YFC can bring to Regina, and people seriously seemed excited about this ministry, it was great.
Tuesday night was meant to be Yoga, but as I was rushing to get to my car to go pick up Tanya and Erica, I slipt on some steps and whacked my shin and knee. I put lots of cold stuff from the freezer on to my leg for the rest of the night, so up until now there hasn't been too much bruising, but it's starting to show thru now. It's fairly sore to say the least.
I'm in the middle of reading a couple of books which is weird for me, I prefere to read one thing at a time normally, but I'm reading War and Peace, which you need to be patient with. And Gil gave us an assignment at work to read a book from a list he had put together, so I am also reading The Sacred Romance, which is really making me think...not sure how to put my thoughts in to words right now, but watch this space.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

New beginnings and slow finishes

It is the morning of Uncle Art's wedding. At 4pm his wedding to Hertha will start. I'm quite looking forward to it, Art is a really lovely man, and always makes me laugh, it should be a fun wedding.

But, I started my day on the phone to my Mum. My Grandma had a stroke on Wednesday and I've been waiting for news about what is actually happening. My Mum tried to explain things to me, but I don't really understand much of it, I'm just glad that Mum understands it, being a nurse is helpful in these situations.
It was only a mild stroke, but my Grandma is 88 years old so we'll just have to wait and see how badly this has effected her. So Grandma is in North Tees, and it sounds like she may be there for quite a while depending on her progress and if they can find a suitable facility that has room for her. Her dementia got hugely worse after the stroke, Mum says that she doesn't always recognise her, and she doesn't recognise Sue (my sister) at all. It's pretty heartbreaking. When she talks you can never tell if she is thinking of now, or if she thinks its still the war.
My Grandma has been slowly drifting away from us, I am praying that the Lord will grant her some peace and rest soon, however He sees fit. My family would really appreciate prayer on this. Thanks.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Being lazy

I really can be so lazy, I haven't blogged because I AM LAZY!!!

Anyways, I went on my church's womens retreat the other weekend, it was so good. Very relaxing. Just like last year, God met us, brought things together how He wanted them. I love God, He never ceases to amaze me, I am so in AWE of Him. There are so many things he could chastise me for, but He is gentle and forgiving. He sent us a Saviour, sent us His son, and yet we can be so ungrateful, I can be so ungrateful.
But yes, the womens retreat was wonderful, lots of praise, love, games, and new friendships made. Awesome.

Sunday just gone, I had an opportunity to speak in church about my job at YFC. I had a 5 minute slot, so Greg (he's so good) made me a video, which went down really well, then Russ interviewed me quickly. I think it went well, it felt OK... and I didn't cry...Gil almost sounded disappointed that I didn't, he's funny.

Sunday evening we had a family birthday party for Grandma Wiebe, she turned 90 this year. The party was a little daunting as there were a lot of family there I didn't know, but it was still good, and Marla was home from Regina so we got to hang out which was good.

Monday was Pumpkin Smash, I'll put some photo's up of that soon. It was manic as usual. We had around 650 kids there, not as many as last year, but it was a school night. Gil was pleased, he felt it went well, that's a good thing.

I am very excited, Tanya is having a wine & cheese night at her place tomorrow night, it should be FUN, FUN, FUN! And Melissa is coming over beforehand for a roast dinner...yummy. Saturday Tanya & I will be going to the gym for a class, then in the afternoon/evening it is fondue time with the ladies of our old LIFE group, so girly movies and fondue...YES!!! And then I think we're having family lunch at ours on Sunday, as Marlene & Peter will be leaving for Texas early next week. So a nice full weekend.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


OK, so if you were tagged you need to quote the 5th line from your 25th blog, then you tag someone else. Sounds easy huh?

Monday, October 10, 2005


So Allison 'tagged' me. Here's the 5th line from my 25th blog (I think):

'I love how God leads us to people , and how that meeting can be such a blessing in so many ways.'

I'm saying 'I think' because do they count photo's, and what if you blogged twice in a day? And what if you only blogged 2 lines in what you think is the 25th blog?

Well, now I tag Helen Varley, Tanya Lemke, Mark Tuma, Dan King & John Benton. Enjoy the confusion my friends!

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Where I left off....

Kadesh was so good. The whole weekend was about where we are at with God, and what are the things that get in the way. It highlighted that things that get in the way (idols) can even be good things that we just get too attached to: security, ministry fruit (where were are looking to much in that direction instead of being focused on God), approval. I know that I seek approval too much, I want everyone to like me, but am a jealous friend. I also know that I can lean too much on security here on earth instead of the real security in Jesus. I love my husband dearly, but sometimes I cling on to him too much, and make him everything, which is unfair to him and wrong of me. Don't get me wrong, we need to work together as a unit, be as one in our relationship, but in that oneness, togetherness, God & Jesus should bind us together and be the core of the relationship.

This last week has definately been draining, emotionally & physically. God has definately been trying to get my attention. And I have to admit that I have been trying to ignore His hints. I love God, and in following Jesus that means I have to trust Him. That hasn't been easy this week. He is asking me to delve in to an area full of pain, hurt and anger. Sometimes I am too good at putting things in boxes. But I know that if I don't deal with it, it'll fester and get worse. Please could you pray for me. I really need patience, forgiveness and a real whole bucket load of love, that I just don't have, I am thankful that God does though, please pray that He provides all this and more during this process.

On a lighter note, WE'RE GOING HOME TO VISIT IN MAY! Scrimping and saving can be hard, but it will be SO worth it! Can't express how excited I am. Highlights will be spending time with my family (especially Ben), and getting to hang out with my best friend Hannah - cos I miss her.
I am already praying for good weather;-)

This weekend is Thanksgiving, so Monday is a Bank Holiday (YAY). So far it has been fairly easy going. I spent 1hr 15mins (I think) on the phone to my bro, I am so glad we have cheap rates. I think that we are gonna watch a movie once the Rider game is done, I am guessing it is going well as I have heard positive noise rising from downstairs.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

This picture was taken on Christmas Day at my Dad's house. From left, Step-Mum Liz, Marie-Ann, Bob, Ben, Lindsay, CHris, Carl, Sue, Dad  Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Kadesh Snr High Retreat

Where are you?

That was the question that Scott asked us..... Where are you?

God knows where we are. But He still asks us that question. For our own benefit, so that we learn.

What are our idols? Wanting to be the best in everything? Climbing the career ladder? Friends? What is taking our time away from God?

Ponder on this until my next entry, I have SO much good exciting stuff to share with you.

Beautiful autumn day at Kadesh on Senior High Retreat... Praise the Lord, He blessed us with AWESOME weather. Posted by Picasa

Yuka heading for the Blob Posted by Picasa

GO STEVEN! Posted by Picasa

Kristan, me & Melissa Posted by Picasa

Kristen happy from toobing Posted by Picasa

Tamera ready to go Posted by Picasa

People toobing Posted by Picasa

Playing basketball Posted by Picasa

The dock Posted by Picasa

We`re going on a bear hunt Posted by Picasa

Jenna, Kyla, me, Melissa & Carissa Posted by Picasa

The worship team practicing for chapel later Posted by Picasa

Tepi fire (the boys had fun making this) Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 23, 2005

Rant 1st, catch up 2nd

I just have to get this off my chest, stop me if you don't agree.....

The States is being battered right now by hurricanes, thousands of people are losing their homes, whole cities are going to need rebuilding. And do you know what one of the top headlines about the States has been this week? 103 BILLION dollars is being used to send more americans to the moon. WHAT???? Am I the only one that thinks that this is OUTRAGEOUS??? SERIOUSLY, WHO IS THINKING HERE???
Anyway, I know that there will be people that will say 'in the name of science/progress etc...' But I do think it is WRONG, when so many people are in need that this is what is happening, I think that the American government needs to do some real priority re-thinking.
FEED, CLOTHE AND HOUSE YOUR PEOPLE FIRST, then you can play in space.

OK, rant over. WOW, we are busy right now (I know I say this a lot...but we are), Mum's visit flew by, and I've barely caught my breath this week. It seems like the baby season has begun, in the last week we have heard of 5 friends who are expecting babies. And, I heard yesterday about 2 different friends from home who got engaged in the last week.

And gym is going great, and yes we WORK OUT, we don't gossip as we do it.... MARK...CHEEKY!!! We don't have any breath to talk with.... some people are SO RUDE! But yeah, going to the gym is great, I'm really beginning to enjoy it. It means I get to hang out more with Tanya too, which is so good, because I love her! I feel like I have made a really good friend in her, who actually sees more of the 'old Chris', that enjoys some of the english stuff that other people just don't get, that is very valuable to me, it's great having that again.

Well it's retreat time again, I'm busy at work planning our staff/board retreat (I'm so excited), and going on the Senior High retreat this evening, it's gonna be fun! But Lindsay isn't coming to the retreat this weekend, which is kinda a bummer, I miss him at night, he's good to snuggle with...

We had 'Survivornight' @ Chris & Sue's last night. It was fun, it was just really great to hang out with them, catch up with all the summer news. I love Survivor, it's a good show.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Back at YFC

I started back at YFC a couple of weeks ago, which is great. But I haven't actually been there that much yet. My 1st week back I got another sinus infection so was off a couple of days, and then Mum has been here the last 2 weeks so we've taken some holidays while she has been here, so only in the office 3 days last week, then 3 days this week. Hopefully back to normal next week (as normal as it can get here).

Mums 1st weekend here we had a fairly laid back time.
Saturday we went to Shell Lake to spend the day with Marlene and Peter which was fun, it was probably the last hot day of summer here for this year.
Sunday we went to church then had some friends over for a BBQ lunch, then we played games in the afternoon. We went to see fireworks for the Centennial that night.
Monday we went for lunch at the Berry Barn, and Mum got to do some souvenir shopping.
Tuesday.... I have no clue, I think we just had a lazy day together.

This past weekend was busy:
Saturday we drove to Edmonton and went to IKEA to buy some bedside cabinets, which I love!
Sunday we went swimming in the hotel pool (well sat in the hot tub), then did a bit of shopping in West Ed Mall. Mid afternoon we went to Uncle Earl & Aunt Susans, to just catch up. Then we went to Kelly & Joanna's for supper (Shannon was there too:-). It was really good to get to spend time with the Edmonton part of the family.
Monday we did more shopping at the West Ed Mall, and came home around 4ish, arrived home just before 10pm.

We managed to miss all the heavy wind and rain that hit Saskatoon over the weekend.

Mum doesn't leave til Friday so we still have lots to do, family supper at Marlene and Peters tonight for a start.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Lazy days

Today really has been a lazy day, I love Saturdays. But we did do our housecleaning, but I got to read my book too, as well as go to the gym, impressive huh?

I'm really enjoying the gym, Tanya is an awesome gym buddy, she's so motivating it's great. And I have totally remembered why I love the treadmill... it is so much fun!

Anyways, I also got to have a good chat with my bro today, it was great. I really do miss him. And I could hear Ben, my nephew, in the background either chattering away in baby/new word speak or screaming when Bob told him to stop eating the 'bum cream'. Ah bless, I'm sad that I miss him growing up, and that he won't know me very well. I'm kinda hoping that when he's older like older teen or new adult, that he will come spend some time with us here in Canada, but that's a stupid long time in the future. But here's to the next UK visit, hopefully we'll get to spend more time with Bob, Marie-Ann and Ben next time. I need to spend more time with Marie-Ann she makes me laugh... LOTS, my sides always ache when I've been with her.

We're going to hang out with Daryl & Dawn, and Greg & Jess tonight, so that will definately be fun. Greg and Daryl are very entertaining together.

If anyone from home, family or friends, are reading this, I miss you all very much.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Summer activities

The pictures below are from:
1) The BBQ at Allison & Ryans
2) The Canada Remembers Air Show

The BBQ at A & R's came about because Ryan had just been on a fishing trip and I moaned that I hadn't had fresh fish in years, so they kindly invited me & L over for a fish fry, then we slowly invited others, until we weren't sure if there would be enough fish to satisfy everyone, so then I made souvlaki to bulk the meal out, and we ended up with far too much food, but it was SO GOOD. That was the night that Dale brought over ice-cream sandwiches for dessert, I wish I had taken a photo of them, the were NO ordinary ice-cream sandwich, they were deluxe, ask me about them s0metime, I could not do them justice here.

The Air Show was a source of excitement for L. He loves planes. So when I got free tickets from work, he was very excited. I have to admit that I wasn`t so excited, but it was a fun day. I really enjoyed the Snow Bird routine, they are very talented pilots, and it really must be very dangerous what they do, so hats off to them.

I am getting very excited about going back to YFC, I really do just want to get back to my desk, I am sure there is plenty waiting for me already. Oh well, just one more week.

Joy & Brendan setting up the chairs Posted by Picasa

Linds, Rox & Dale waiting for supper Posted by Picasa

Ryan cooking the (oh so YUMMY) fish that he caught. Posted by Picasa

Cassie looking very disinterested Posted by Picasa

Allison & Noreen Posted by Picasa