Monday, October 04, 2004

Womens retreat

I had such a good weekend. The womens retreat went really well, 20 women of various ages worshipping, chatting, having fun, learning from the Word of God, sharing experiances. It was AWESOME! I love spending time with the older women, they have experianced so much (and have some top class funny stories) It was a little chilly, but the scenery was beautiful with all the trees in various autumnal colours. Some of us 'young 'uns' stayed up late chatting, it was great.

What was really great was how everything just fell in to place, I love how God puts things in to place, as long as you trust him, I love how faithful He is, such a good reminder that He is far better at knowing what is good for us.

The weekend was called 'Beauty tips for the heart'. We had a really great speaker who talked about beauty being a by product of love, and how we become more beautiful as we receive and respond to God's love. One of the best tips she spoke about was 'Practicing the presence of God', I can't remember which book she took this from, but it is all about taking time throughout your day to remember that God is with you and really appreciate His presence, doing this at regular intervals more and more frequently leads to you actually being more aware of Him, more conscience of Him. I spent today reminding myself of His presence a LOT, and it really worked, I felt closer to Him, more in control of my emotions, more at peace....I love my Lord, He is so faithful!!!!

1 comment:

Debs Erwin said...

The book is by a monk called Brother Lawrence & it's called "Practicing the presence of God"...funny enough! You can read it online at: