Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Well, now that the Calbreak is over, we are focusing on the annual fundraising banquet, which is just over a week away ... YIKES! So we're all working hard. I've been making so many calls to people, I always get the impression, when I first talk to them, that they don't know why I have called them, I think they think I'm telesales or something, must be the accent ;-)

The office is coming back to life, after last weeks hibernation. Some of the staff is back in the office and I think we will be back to full numbers tomorrow, including.... wait for it ... KRISTIN ... YAY!!! So excited, although she isn't starting properly until she's raised most of her support, so...

Speaking of excitement, were looking at houses right now. I'm feeling a little anxious about this, as it is a lot of money and a HUGE commitment, but we're really sick of throwing away money on rent, when we could actually afford a mortgage now. So pray we find the right place OK? Thank you!

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