Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The bizarreness of pregnancy

I love the fact that I am pregnant, I am in awe that God has blessed us with a child. I love reading about how the baby is growing week by week.

Aren't you amazed at how God made us? Everything has a reason. When our body needs to rest, we feel tired. We have nerves under our skin to tell us if we are hurt/damaged. If we eat something bad for us, our body responds to get rid of it. God made our bodies in a way that should help us look after and protect it.

Here is where I am confused, I am a great believer in the way the Lord made our bodies, but I am confused by morning sickness. I feel neaseous all day, and don't really want to eat much of anything, yet I need to consider the fact that I and my baby need nourishment. Yesterday all I wanted was a chip butty with gravy, which Gibson's (the best chippy in Canada as far as I'm concerned) was happy to supply me with. But how nourishing is that? But, as many people have told me, right now I just need to eat whatever and whenever my body allows. Thankfully occasionally I crave cucumbers (like right now) or tinned tomatoes (last night), so at least I'm getting some veggies;-)


Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that when you're craving junk, you're actually needing the salt (or sugar depending on the junk). But, I still eat it in the form of junk anyway! Ha!

Anonymous said...

....just blame it on the fall....

Anonymous said...

Hey, stumbled across your blog through a friend of mine. Congrats on the baby!

if the nausea is quite bad, you could always go to the dr and try diclectin -i'm 8 1/2 weeks along, and it's the only way i am able to eat anything right now without feeling sick.

otherwise yeah, don't feel bad about eating whatever you can get to stay down. Hang in there! I'm told it gets better....

Anonymous said...

Hey guys - congratulations. News is slowly trickling down towards the eastern regions of the UK!

Chris - eat whatever you want, you don't get an excuse like this every day!

Love Dan (the Norwich 1)

Allison said...

Diclectin (sp?) is a DREAM!!! I left another comment a few days ago, but it seems to have disappeared...

Anonymous said...

How are you doing, Chris? We need to get together soon!