Thursday, December 22, 2005


SO EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS!!! God has been really talking with me about His miracles, and Christmas is a HUGE one. He was a BABY, I know I've said this a lot to some people recently, but have we really grasped this. God was a BABY, God the almighty, powerful, majestic, was a BABY. He reduced Himself to this defenceless child, all because He LOVES us. I am SO unworthy, and even though I am VERY grateful, I know I can never be grateful enough, can never do enough, which makes His love so much more.... so big, so huge, so unexplainable. How I love Him.

On to the trivial...

Can you over sleep. Really... can you sleep too much? I love it, sleep is so good, I really do love my nice warm, comfy bed! Last night was great, I stumbled up to my bed just before 8.45pm, and was asleep AT 8.45pm. I'm such an old granny.

So me & Tanya exchanged gifts last night ... she got me a YOGA MAT. I was so excited, no more doing yoga with my bare feet on the freezing cold gym floor! No more downward dog with my hands going numb! So now I just need to buy one of those gym exercise balls (it's a big ball that you do exercises with, and you can sit on and get good posture) to take to my Saturday class.

Back to the not so trivial:
I have just been talking with one of my colleagues, and I really feel the need for prayer. We have a young man, who has been blessed since September by being able to attend a christian boarding school. Now before this school, he really struggled with attendance (skipped school a LOT) and passing his classes. Since he has been there he has been flourishing, he has passed his classes, and it has made a huge difference to him and his relationship with God. Unfortunately his mum has been made redundant, and now if he wants to continue his schooling at this school, he needs to fundraise $3500. Please could you pray for this situation, and if you can help, please contact me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just looked up the word redundant, because I've never heard it used like that before.... he, he... look what I found:

re·dun·dant Pronunciation Key:(r-dndnt)
1. Exceeding what is necessary or natural; superfluous.
2. Needlessly wordy or repetitive in expression: a student paper filled with redundant phrases.
3. Of or relating to linguistic redundancy.
4. Chiefly British. Dismissed or laid off from work, as for being no longer needed.
5. Electronics. Of or involving redundancy in electronic equipment.
Of or involving redundancy in the transmission of messages.

So I guess this must be the "Chiefly British" use of the word. ;)
Funny, hey?
Anyway, thanks again for the bath stuff. My mom saw it last night, and she said, "Tanya, do you know how good this stuff is? And it's just what you wanted!"
And I said - "I know! Isn't it great?"
Your friendship has meant so much to be this year. I hope you know that.
*heart*, Tanya