Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Sad times

My Grandma died on the 3rd of December so I flew home on the 4th. Last week was a busy week, I didn't really have time to notice jet lag, we had too much to sort out. The Funeral went as well as it could, with lots of good memories being shared, and I heard things that I never knew about my Grandparents, which was great. Grandma was 88, and had lived a good long life. She will be remembered for her wonderful cooking, her letter writing, her knitting, her clothes making and the very funny cute little gesture she did where she would breathe 'Oh' and put her finger just in front of her mouth, I doubt she even realised she was doing it half the time, she did it when we told her we were getting married, and when Bob & Marie-Ann told her they were going to have a baby, they were the major times I remember her doing it.
During that week I did get the opportunity to see/contact some friends, not as many as I would have liked, but then things were manic. So I was blessed with a good long chat with my best friend Hannah who I miss so much, and went for drinks with some of the lads from church (which only really happened because Lee was on MSN one night and he rounded the others up for me). And I got to spend some time with my Dad.
Understandabley I was very excited to spend some time with my nephew Ben, in his 23months alive, this was the second time that I saw him. He is SO MUCH FUN! And he has a very cute irish accent. So I stocked up on cuddles and giggles, enough to see me thru to May.
Please remember my family in your prayers this Christmas as we miss the presence of loved ones.


Debs Erwin said...

So sorry about you losing your Grandma, but really glad that you got to spend some time at home with family & friends. Thinking of you!

sparkles said...

yeah ditto