Thursday, July 13, 2006

Anticipation.. always fun

Do you ever feel like you spend your life waiting... waiting in a queue at the grocery store, waiting for your friend to call, waiting for an album to come out, a movie to come out, for holidays, for christmas.... hhmmmmm.

I remember my Grandma telling me to stop waiting... I believe she said 'that's wishing your life away' but I can't remember her precise words, but you get the gist.

However, anticipation can be a thrilling experiance. Sometimes you need to savour that feeling. I remember the last couple of months before our wedding, it seemed like we were never gonna get to the wedding day, and how I longed for us just to be married BUT, there where moments that I imprinted on my memory, remembered feelings that I locked in a box to make sure I never forgot them; my hen night at Borges, looking at wedding dress's with Hannah, looking at underwear with Deborah and Liz, the night before my wedding eating chinese food with my mum and bridesmaids.. sharing my excitement with Debs.... these are all cherished moments.

OK, back to my original thought... Hannah will be here in less than 3 weeks, OH HOW EXCITED AM I!?! But I need to remember to enjoy the here and now, not wish this beautiful summer away yet. But the weather bettter be good when she's here... seriously... PLEASE BE NICE AND HOT!

Other things I'm excited about... the kiss my husband always gives me when he is done work, swimming with Melissa tonight, my Gnarls Barkley and Hard-Fi albums arriving, seeing Joy on Friday, Colleen and Michael's wedding this Saturday, spending time with Tanya next week, AND the new YFC building BEING FINISHED... EVENTUALLY.... HOPEFULLY SOON!!!!

1 comment:

Stephen and Melissa Thiessen said...


Thanks for having me over last night! It was a ton of fun swimming in the pool and supper was great! I'm glad we made the time to get together. Also, yah for Gnarls Barkley, Stephen and I got some of their stuff, so good! Have a wonderful day at work and a great weekend