Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Mail joy!

So I ordered 2 CD 's from a certain internet shopping site, it's a good way to either get the CD I want cheap or to get a CD I want from home... so about a week ago I ordered the Hard-Fi and Gnarls Barkley albums... they told me that I may not get them until the end of August... BUT THEY ARRIVED TODAY! I think they do that, over estimate how long it will take, so that you think they got your merchandise to you super quick!

Anyways, I am very happy, both are extremely good albums. Hard-Fi has surprised me with it's mixture of pop/punk/rock, Better Do Better was the clincher for me. And Gnarls Barkley... well... I love this album... it's that simple.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Are you still liking hardfi? I'm not convinced.