Tuesday, May 10, 2005


OK, OK, OK. Before anyone else gets their knickers in a twist, I have a couple of announcements, lets call this the 'Births, deaths and Marriages' of this blog (without the deaths thankfully).

Lets start with babies, I am REALLY pleased to announce the birth of Hannah Joy, the proud parents being Dawn and Derek, Hannah is SUCH a good baby, I love her lots already. Also my colleague at work Barb, has just had a little boy called Alexander. And our friend, who was on Y1 with L, Seth and his wife Lesley are expecting their first baby in November (I think). And last but not least one of my boys from Norwich, Dan, is getting married this coming summer to Naomi, who I haven't met yet, but I've been assured that she is a lovely girl.

On the Norwich note, Pete is coming to visit me in 2 weeks!!!! YAY. Very excited, just hope he doesn't hate the prairies, it's an acquired taste don't you know.

On a YFC note, we had our Youth Pastors day yesterday, so I was running around organising the food and taking lots of notes. I loved it. It was such a good day :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On behalf of myself and the very nice Naomi - Thankyou! And just a word of warning, I have asked Pete (or Peter as he now likes to be called) to pass on a big sloppy kiss! And I know he will carry out the task to the best of his ability!