Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Repeating repeating

I have the C-stone blog open right now, and The Foo Fighters just keep repeating themselves 'It's times like these...' . Anyways, man the last couple of monthes have zoomed by, moving house, Pete being here, YC, work... I feel like my feet have barely touched the ground. Pete's visit was SO good by the way, the house seemed emptier after he had left, I kinda got used to him being here.

L's parents are moving so they have given us their really nice love seat and sofa, I LOVE them.

We went out to Taunte Maria's for dinner last night (Mennonite restaurant), which was nice, it was for Diane's birthday, so her parents were there too which was good cos they're really fun. Daniel and Steven were on top form entertaining everyone, I love them, they are so cute, and they adore Uncle Lindsay which is so adorable to watch. After dinner we had our care group, so we went over to William & Lisa's. We're studying the Beattitudes right now, which raises some interesting Q's, last night we were focusing on the 'pure of heart', it was a really good discussion. Baby Hannah is suddenly finding her voice, which mummy (Dawn) apologised for, but none of us mind at all. Later I got to have a nice cuddle with Hannah, which was so good.

On the YFC front thngs are a little bit not so good, but we're working on it. Basically I haven't been able to fundraise what I need as quickly as I need to, so I am being laid off for a couple of monthes while we work on the fundraising thing. Not fun, but that's OK. I know this is what I am meant to be doing so I just need to trust that God will provide. But please pray for us, we would really appreciate that.

I am really sorry for lack of photo's, but our computer, at home, is dying a painfully slow death, so I haven't been able to put any on here yet, and may not be able to for a while, so you've been warned, this isn't a picture book anymore, you'll just have to be content with reading the words!

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