Monday, June 13, 2005

Such a good weekend

We had such a fun weekend. Friday night was the Snr High Grad Banquet, where all the grads bring their families and all the other youth serves the banquet. It was really good, the food was SO GOOD, and all the parents spoke about their grads.... it was really good to hear parents really sharing their hearts about their child, so positive.

Then Saturday night Lindsay went to Marks stag do, so I had a few ladies over (meaning about 15) and we had fondue, played games, chatted and watched St Elmo's Fire. SO good.

Church on Sunday was celebration Sunday, so there was an orchestra and everything, the worship was just great. And instead of Russ preaching they had people sharing how God had been working over this last year. There was a BBQ after the service, which was fun, all the church just ate, chatted and had fun, it was nice.

And as our anniversary is today, after we were done the BBQ yesterday, Lindsay & I went shopping together to get gifts for each other, we put some money aside at Christmas for this purpose, so I was excited. So I got Lindsay a nice GAP shirt, and he got me a really beautiful pair of earrings.


Kristan said...

Yay Chris!!!! Happy Anniversary!!! Please have a wonderful day today and kiss each other lots...among other things I'm sure...ha ha. Tell Lindsay that I say Happy Anniversaro to him too! Love ya!

Allison said...

Earrings...lovely! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey, happy anniversary guys! I remember 2 years ago today, going to Chris's mum's house and eating lots and then getting together with Naomi the day after! After Pete had been telling Chris all weekend that I had a new girlfriend! Yours was a cracking wedding by the way.