Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I have to say that Love is definately one God's best idea's. And I'm not just talking about love in the marriage sense, but in the family and friendship sense too. 'I love you' can be the most abused and misused phrases out there, but that's usually in the dating sense. But do we say it enough to our friends and family?

Now most of you that know me, know that I am Miss Mushy, I am very sentimental... The Cheese Queen! I seem to go from normal "Hi, how are you?" to out and out mushy "Aww sweety, I love you!", friends back home used to laugh at me, but I'm hoping they knew that I did mean it.

I sometimes wonder how important friendships should actually be. I know that as a body of believers we should be encouraging, supporting and loving each other. But how much does God want us to put a big emphasis on it??? Do we rely too much on out friends, do we trust them more than God, do we listen more to their wisdom instead of Gods word? I guess these are all questions I'm challenging myself with.

One thing that I am learning though, is that I can't be friends with everyone, there just isn't time. I love making friends, but it is so hard to make time to see everyone, doesn't that just SUCK! I know that Lindsay & I both have drifted from people that are/were important to us, and I know that as we get older we will all change and we will just naturally not see as much of different people, but it still makes me sad.

Is it weird to grieve for lost friendships?


Balaji said...

An interesting obeservation. It is not weird to grieve for lost friendships. But the knowledge that people move on and you also move on is a reality that one need to understand and accept and in one's life you will meet someone who will remain your lifelong friend and the number of such life long friends are generally very low. What we meet throughout our life are acquaintances and only some of them get the status of friends. That is entirely my opinion.

Anonymous said...

In terms of your question about relying on our friends more than we do on God:

I think that if you have friends who are also seeing after God, that He can totally speak through them to give us His wisdom in our situations. I think of one friend I have, who I know is in the Word constantly, and I know that his advice is solely based on God's wisdom.

This can't substitute for God's word and wisdom as I learn it directly from scripture for myself, but it can enhance that, shed new light on certain truths, and can be a tool God uses in my life.

LJE said...

(sorry, that anonymous comment was me - Lynette - I've met you a couple times through Allison, and I browse your blog every so often)

Allison said...

I don't think that it's wrong to grieve a lost friendship, nor to place a lot of trust and hope into a friendship. Of course, there needs to be balance, but God created us to need each other and He wants us to care and comfort one another.
And I want to have lunch with you sometime soon - maybe Friday?

sparkles said...

It is so so so so so not weird to grieve for lost friendships or any other kind of loss. For example, change of any kind is a loss. I've been learning that on my course - and it makes sooo much sense.

Helsalata said...

I love that aspect of your personality that you say "I love you!"- it's a real boost and a blessing!

It is sad when you lose touch with friends but lovely when you come across their blog and can pick it all up again!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I've been learning that it really is okay to grieve loss of friendships - trying to see that God brings people in and out of our lives many times for just a season, or for a certain reason.