Thursday, February 09, 2006

I just don't get it

I found something out this week that I just don't get. Now this is just me, please don't freak out on me, I just don't understand... Recently, people who I thought were super fired up christians have been really falling away, to the point where they just don't believe in Christ or God at all.

I have to admit to being baffled. Was everything they said lies, or was it just too hard, or do they still believe in God secretly but have opposition from friends/family/work.... ????

And just to clarify, these really were people that had strong roles in their christian community.

Are we as a community not doing enough or not explaining things well enough? I know that we have a responsibility to really learn more about God ourselves, but is the church putting people off. Are we not putting enough emphasis on a personal relationship with Jesus, that that is the most important thing, having a loving friendship with him and through him our heavenly Father. Are we forgetting that everything else flows from that? I know that when I am truly having a friendship with Jesus I want to be better, to love people more, to be kinder and more patient. It isn't just because I am told to, it is because I love Jesus. That doesn't mean that I am perfect, but it does mean I try harder and lean on Him more.

I kinda makes me sad when I hear that people have lost faith.


sparkles said...

I am just as confuzzled as you

Helsalata said...

I think the church puts them off personally.

I don't however think that they lose it all. Some may even come back. Love them even more than ever because that can only help...

Nevada said...

I don't get it either. I feel like people just don't fight for it anymore. People rely too much on emotions and feelings, and when the going gets tough its easier to lie in a state of ho-hum than fight for it. Or when people lose their faith, or have tough questions, and instead of seeking out answers they just say "Oh, its ok, I just won't beleive anymore.' That's easier to do than read a book, meet with a friend or counsellor, and give up TV for some hardcore prayer time. It's the result of living in a 'YOU deserve a break today" world. Anything worthwhile comes with effort, and society is just expecting the church to cater to their every need and whim and when it doesn't, they're mad and 'dissillusioned'. I've covered a tonne of topics here, sorry for being so disjointed. But it;s definitely something I'm passionate about.