Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I really do the stupidest things and react in the stupidest ways.

Last night I went to the gym, came home and needed a shower. So I have a shower, wash my hair and shave my legs... like you do. I'm just about to turn the shower off when I glance down and notice a whole LOAD OF BLOOD! I completely freaked out, I totally was not thinking. I stood there yelling for Lindsay, totally freaking out. At the back of my mind there was a small voice going 'It's OK, you just shaved, you just nicked yourself that's all', but the sight of the blood and the fact that blood was coming from both ankles just made me a tad anxious.

Anyways, I had just nicked myself, but I had done it in exactly the same place on the front of both ankles, so I had matching waterproof plasters on both ankles, I looked like such a div!