Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The World Cup starts Saturday

I live in 2 different realities. My Canadian life, which is very much 80% of the time, where I am physically present. And then my English life that I live via the internet, chatting on MSN, listening to Chris Moyles, reading the news on the BBC website, keep up with Corrie, Emmerdale, Enders & Neighbours.

In my internet life the World cup is a HUGE thing, other people are getting as excited as I am and we are all waiting with bated breath to see if Rooney will be fit to play, it's all over the news and it's the main topic of conversation. And I've had my invite to watch the match at a BBQ round at a friends house.

In my physical world, people have no clue who Rooney is and don't care about his injury or what his x-rays will mean for the World cup. Hopefully our neighbours won't be too upset when Lindsay and I are screaming at our TV at 7am Saturday morning when England have their 1st match.


Anonymous said...

I too will be shouting at the screen, but at a more sensible time of day! I guess you missed Chris Moyles celeb Xfactor appearences. He came a disappointing 3rd when he was by far the most entertaining.

Allison said...

Ryan's sister, Heather, bought Jared little Germany World Cup Adidas shoes and hat - not that we are necessarily cheering for Germany, but they are too cute! I guess she got that country because that's where the Cup is held this year.

Chris said...

Hey, come to campus sometime and watch with all the other 'foreigners'. :) Not only am i watching the games on TV, we're playing World Cup on the gamecube as well! :)