Monday, January 30, 2006

Quiz time

[A is for age]: 25
[B is for booze of choice]: Strongbow.
[C is for career:] Executive Directors Assistant, so basically office admin stuff.
[D is for your dog's name:] My mum has a dog called Millie, but we used to have a very adorable Border Terrier cross Lakeland called Brandy, but we had to put him down when I was 15 cos he went senile.
[E is for essential items you use everyday:] Shower gel, toothpaste & brush, hair brush, clothes, deoderant, moisturiser.
[F is for favorite song(s) at the moment:] Spies by Coldplay, I'm not ashamed of the Gospel by Deliriou5?, Please forgive me by David Gray, Discotheque by U2, Destiny by Zero7, Honest questions by Daniel Bedingfield, Peace of Me by Natasha Bedingfield.. I could go on but think you'd get bored.
[G is for favorite games:] Monopoly, Full House, Dutch Blitz, Skip-bo, Extreme Uno, Rumoli, The Bean Game.
[H is for hometown:] In Canada it is Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. In the UK it is Eaglescliffe, Teesside, North East England.
[I is for instruments you play:] I used to play the violin, piano and percussion
[J is for jam or jelly you like:] My Grandma Jennings' strawberry jam was the best, nothing else will ever taste as good as hers.
[K is for kids:] Eventually.
[L is for last kiss:] This morning when I dropped Lindsay off at work.
[M is for most admired trait:] In me or in others? In others it's definately honesty.
[N is for name of your crush:] Lindsay Scott Unger, I have absolutely no qualms about saying that I have a HOT husband, hot, hot, hot, he's a hottie! It's very simple.
[O is for overnight hospital stays:] None that I can remember.
[P is for phobias:] Spiders.
[Q is for quotes you like:] "He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" Monty Python's Life of Brian. "I am The Way, The Truth and The Life, no-one comes to The Father except through me." Jesus Christ.
[R is for biggest regret:] Putting my BIG FAT FOOT continuously in my mouth.
[S is for sweets of your choice:] Galazy chocolate, Fruit Gums, Milky bar, Black bullets.
[T is for time you wake up:] Between 6.20am & 6.45am depending on if I hear L get up.
[U is for underwear:] I have plenty thanks.
[V is for vegetables you love:] Freshly podded pea's, corn on the cob, peppers, mushrooms, courgette (zuchini), garlic, onions.
[W is for worst habit:] I don't even want to admit what it is thank you.
[X is for x-rays you've had:] Mouth, head (when I slid on the ice... ON MY FACE)
[Y is for yummy food you make:] Roast chicken dinner, Toad in the hole, potato wedges, Crunchy Cream with Bailey's in a meringue nest.
[Z is for zoo's:] Apparently I've been to London zoo, but I don't remember it cos I was a baby.

1 comment:

Helsalata said...

Your list made me smile! It's like having you right back here in Norwich!